We are also supported by a range of local businesses and community members who provide both financial and in kind assistance for community events and projects. We greatly appreciate their support which allows us bring the community together on a regular basis
Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors

Sponsor our Volunteer Knitting Group!
One of our most popular programs is our knitting and crochet group which meets each Tuesday afternoon at AGCS. This group creates beautiful handmade items which are donated to Knit One Give One (KOGO), another not-for-profit organisation, who distribute the donated items to their community partners for donation to the most vulnerable in many communities across Australia, including remote indigenous communities.
To help AGCS continue to offer this vital community strengthening activity, we are seeking sponsorship for our knitting and crochet group, to purchase wool to keep our knitters knitting and our crocheters crocheting. While we are looking to raise $3,000 in total for the year, we would also be glad to accept sponsorships starting at $200 for the year.​
​If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please either call the office on 9587 5955 or email us at: enquiries@agcsinc.org.au
Sponsor our Basketball Club!
You can become a sponsor for our Aspendale Gardens Giants Basketball Club! We have about 30 basketball teams with 200+ players. The cost of a sponsorship is $250/term or $500/year. To become a sponsor, please email us at enquiries@agcsinc.org.au.
Sponsors are advertised on this page and on the basketball page.
Our e-newsletter is sent out termly, to over 1,100 people with an average 65% open rate (well above the industry standard).

Physical Signage
Sponsors are displayed in the main hall foyer, , with over 1,000 foot traffic a week.

Team Name
Basketball teams are named after the sponsors on PlayHQ.

Activities Brochure
The brochure is our main physical asset informing the public about our programs and events. We distribute approximately 150 brochures a term. You can view an example brochure here.

Social Media
The AGCS & Giants social media facebook pages have a combined following of over 2,500 members.